Horse riding is communicating with horses in an unforgettable way. This is not only a unique sport that develops all muscular groups in human body but also an experience. If you dream of getting closer to these beautiful and gracious animals, a team of qualified coaches will help you at Trakiets equestrian centre.

Riding school
Our guests enjoy a high level of service and professional training. The centre offers year-round riding training for children, tourists and amateurs.. We have an open and indoor manege and weather conditions do not matter.
The relationship with horses develops your determination and will – qualities characteristic of happy and successful people. It is particularly useful for children who, in addition to learning to love animals, improve their concentration and reflexes, strengthen their muscles and learn discipline.
Riding price list
Monthly club cards
VIP card
(5 riding trainings, 25 minutes each, use of fitness, relax zone – steam bath, sauna, Jakuzzi, table tennis, outdoor swimming pool during the season)
BGN 250
(5 riding trainings, 45 minutes each, use of fitness, relax zone – steam bath, sauna, Jakuzzi, table tennis, outdoor swimming pool during the season)
BGN 315
(a card for a family having one child, including use of fitness, relax zone – steam bath, sauna, Jakuzzi, table tennis, outdoor or indoor swimming pool for parents and 5 riding trainings, 25 minutes each, and use of a swimming pool for the child)
*120 BGN in addition are paid for each subsequent child
BGN 350
*Each VIP card is also offered as a present voucher. In case of interest, use the request form.
Work time
Winter work time | Summer work time |
from 01.10 | to 31.05 | from 01.06 | to 01.10 |
Monday | 10:00 – 12:00 | 13:00 – 17:00 | 10:00 – 12:00 | 13:00 – 17:00 |
Thuesday | 10:00 – 12:00 | 13:00 – 17:00 | 10:00 – 12:00 | 14:00 – 20:00 |
Wednesday | 10:00 – 12:00 | 14:00 – 20:00 | 10:00 – 12:00 | 14:00 – 20:00 |
Thursday | 10:00 – 12:00 | 13:00 – 17:00 | 10:00 – 12:00 | 14:00 – 20:00 |
Friday | 10:00 – 12:00 | 14:00 – 20:00 | 10:00 – 12:00 | 14:00 – 20:00 |
Saturday | 10:00 – 12:00 | 13:00 – 17:00 | 10:00 – 12:00 | 13:00 – 18:00 |
Sunday | 10:00 – 12:00 | 13:00 – 17:00 | 10:00 – 12:00 | 13:00 – 17:00 |
*Riding classes are reserved in advance by calling: +359 889 087 887
*Horse ridings do not require a preliminary reservation and are conducted every day from 10:00-12:00 o’clock and from 13:00-17:00 o’clock.
Andrey Gochev
Andrey is a two-time Balkan champion in universal riding for adolescents, as well as a Republican champion in universal riding for adolescents. He is a graduate of the National Sports Academy majoring in horse racing. He received a gold medal at the State Championship with 5-year horses in 2016 and a bronze medal at the State Championship in 2016 in the Heavy Class. He participates in various European and international championships, he is an active competitor and coach of sports horses in the hurdle jumping discipline. He is mainly involved in the training of more advanced riders and horse racers.

Miroslav Iliev
Miroslav is a three-time Balkan champion in universal riding in men. He has been a five-time state champion in universal riding in 2-star men, a state champion in hurdle jumping in men and a state champion of dressage class L. He participates in European and international championships, he is an active hurdle jumping competitor. He has been trained as an equestrian coach in Stara Zagora and is now a sports horse coach. He trains successfully more advanced riders.
Georgi Stoitsov
Georgi has completed his training as an equestrian sport coach in Stara Zagora. Since 2014 he has been a coach at Trakiets equestrian centre. He participates in the training of children and beginners who can always rely on his knowledge and responsiveness.

Bozhidar Tanchev
Bozhidar has completed his training as an equestrian sport coach in Stara Zagora. His attachment to horses and equestrian sport is easily passed on to anyone who wants to learn how to ride at Trakiets complex.
Training horses

Archi is 11 years old and has a great experience in training children aged 2 to 12. Easy to control and very mild-tempered. He jumps very well and participates in racings with hurdles up to 80 cm. He walks and trains beginners, and bounces and rides with pleasure with advanced riders. He likes to receive apples and carrots for reward.

Kendi is the newest pony at the equestrian centre. She is 4 years old and has a very distinctive feature of character: she is terribly good-natured. She loves attention, but more than anything loves children who are happy to climb on her back. She looks forward to her new friends with great impatience.

Pamira is the first training mare at the equestrian centre since its opening in 2012. Since then, she has been training children, beginners and more advanced riders. She is 15 years old and is suitable for everyone because of her good temper and her great experience as a training horse. She has a lot of friends because she is the first horse to ride for many people.

Apolon is 12 years old and is a very skilled horse, good at hurdle jumping. He likes to be pampered, scratched and fed with candies. It is not a coincidence that children like him so much, but he also likes them. He takes them with pleasure on his back and is very suitable for first riding classes.

Cazanova is a beautiful 10-year castrated horse. His very name suggests his intriguing and whimsical temper. He will melt if you give him caresses and kisses. Yes, he loves them very much! Then he will be excited and will gladly run into a gallop – he likes to ride him that way best.

Liverpul is a 13 years old castrate. He has a calm temper, he is patient and very good. He is very easy to become a favourite of anyone who has ridden it. He moves smoothly which appeals to his riders, who return to him again and again. He is suitable for anyone who wants to ride or learn to ride.

Katerina is the best mare to train beginners, both children and adults. Great, beautiful and graceful with just as great and good heart. She is waiting for new friends to get on her back to show them how enjoyable ride can be.